Friday July 24th,
First morning in Edmonton, i got up at 6.15 AM and couldn't sleep anymore, knowing that i haven't had any sleep at all in the past 30 hours.
It wasn't the best night i've had since i'm not used to the weather here, i spent most of the night taking off cloth, and then putting on cloth. hot, chilly, chilly, hot...
I can hear Marguerite walking in the upper floor, but I'm still feeling tired and don't feel like going up.
I planned to have a walk in t
he neighbourhood today, to get to know the area. But I'm expecting a phone call about my Internet today, so i got stuck home.
I unpacked some of my baggage and started placing them in my room / bathroom, but i still need to get myself a closet with drawers, or else it's gona be a MESSY room,
then i had breakfast (tea
and a jam sandwich, because i had no idea what all those stuff in the fridge were! SHOPPING REQU
IRED :) ).
I watched a movie "Marley an
d Me" since the time is passing by too slow. I guess today would be a resting day at home, and most probably tomorrow i'll be exploring the city. Once i had Internet at home, i'll try to find a bike, and some interesting places nearby where i can visit them by bike.
1:20 PM, went for a walk towards wallmart, found two food shops on the way that i'll be using regularly i guess, and thought that a bike IS the solu
tion for my transportation without a car.
Found a grocery store at the corner near my house, and went to buy some yummies, but my "Audi Bank" credit card wouldn't work there. So i came back home starving, empty hands, then i though i could go to this Internet cafe nearby to check my
email and text my pare
Home, shower, bed...
Saturday July 25th,
Woke up very early since i'm still not able to sleep more than 5 hours / day.
Elias called me and picked me up
, and we headed to silven lake. LOTS of people, just way too many.
The lake is nice, water park, water activities, something you wouldn't immagine in Canada.
I had too much food today, Elias almost killed me with food, 3 meals within 8 hours !
I got home and i'm so tired. I
took a shower, and while i was putting some c
loth on, i heard Bambi bar
king and doing weird sounds, i went o
ut to check on her and play with her, it wouldn't work. Then it turned out that Margeritte is at home, and Bambi is pissed cause she wouldn't let her in.
Margerittes' mum came for a visit, she's 96 years old. She practically told me the story of her life, how life was before foreigners started coming to Canada and whatnot, and that she had a great life.
Sunday july 26th,
Woke up too early as usual, started th
inking about things i sh
ouldn't think about. Finally got out of be
d, went outside for a walk (it was raining at night, and i was a bit chilly outside).
I had breakfast (break, peanut butter with jam) in the backyard. Then margeritte woke up and asked me to check the "grass machine" for her since it wasn't working, and she wanted to buy a new one.
Turned out that the wires were twisted, so after i fied it (Margeri
tte was in the church), i tried it in the backyard, and ended up doing all the backyard.
Margeritte came back, she was happy with this, and told me "Ohhh ! We have a front yard too ! " :( !
Today i learned how to do my laundry. It's not a hard process at all, but just learned, didn't do it yet !
Elias picked me up arround 12:30, i had to email my insurance company about my new address, since i had to find anther place 4 days prior to my journey to Canada, i talked to my mother, some friends, told them i'm doing okay ove
r here.
I went to wallmart to buy food items, fruits and whatnot, and a really cheap shirt i liked. Clothes at wallmart are like 4 to 5 times cheaper than Lebanon. I looked for cell phones, a closet, bikes... Of course the cashier at wallmart (indian lady), over charged me by letting me pay for a "Tomato Fetta" cheese, whereas i was buying "Kachkaval" !
Then we had lunch at Elias' (burger, it was so good ! ), and we drove in the city, then passed by a park (the parking was 12 $ WTF !).
Today, my vision about this country changed, maybe because of all those people i saw today at the park made me change my mind. You just see too many people, with different races, different styles, clothings, colors, languages, backgrounds, and one thing i can tell is that almost 95% of the people i saw yesterday have a lack of "hygene" ! Which made me think about school, and made me really hope that people at school would be different? Or else i'm gona have a hard time getting along with most of people in here.
I walked for like 3 hours at least today, came home tired and went straight to bed. Well, not really ! Margerittes mum made me some soup, i had it with bread and butter, it was so good. (Native canadian indians soup) I left her a note on the kitchens' table telling her the soup was really great!
Monday, July 27th,
I can hear Margeritte shouting upstairs, her mum has a problem with hearing and you just have to shout as loud as yu can so she can hear you.
Then i heard her mum saying, "oh come on , wake him up for me! i wana teach him how to make soup before i leave ! he loves it". I was half asleep when margeritte came own asking for help, she had to carry the big oxygene machine her mum uses to her truck, and it was sso heavy, i don't know how she lifted it up and carried it into the house all by herself.
it's 7.58 AM now, i'll go have breakfast, then ... gardening !
I cut the grass of the front yard, then came in home & watched a movie "Knowing" for Nicolas Cage.
I fell asleep and woke up arround 3 PM, had to make myself lunch, scrambled eggs with hot dogs, salad and coke.
Margeritte came home, and then she got some visitors that i met. We talked for like 2 hours, and then took the dog out for a walk. I found a shortcut that leads me to the river, it's a nice place for walking, running etc... then i exerciced for a while in my room, push ups, adbomin, triceps.... can' wait till school starts so i can start going to the gym again :) ! Did i mention that "Bambi" pooped on the sidewalk, and i had to pick it up using a plastic bag? that was gross, it's the first time i do this!!!
I'm watching TV as i'm writing this, and they're talking about "sexually transmitted infections and diseases" , obviously this is the second common topic / issue in Canada after divorce and whatnot. I wonder if they have any statistical information about the percentage of divorce, or seperated people, or single women with children... anyways, what captured my attention is the "Safer drug use kit" they are promoting, so you don't catch any diseased when doing drugs ! It's awkward, instead of rising awareness about NOT doing drugs, they tell you "Oh, Safer drug use kit would help".
I went to First Cup caffee, had coffee there, and on my way back, i passed by a bakery and got strawberry pies and just had two :) , and then introduced Margeritte to "zaatar", and she's already in love with it :D !
I'm still having a hard time with the sleeping part, i hope i'll get used to the timing here soon since i'm not over the jet lag yet.
Shower, music, bed !
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